We work to reduce hunger and eliminate the food desert in southwest Baltimore and surrounding communities by regularly offering healthy food to individuals and families.
this is what we do
We distribute food boxes and loose produce. Each food box weighs approximately 25 pounds and contains fruits, vegetables, potatoes, dairy products, and meats. Items may vary. We also distribute loaves of bread, bags of rolls, KN95 disposable and cloth face masks, and 3 oz. spray bottles of hand sanitizer. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
this is how we do it
Every Tuesday & Thursday
2:00 PM, ET
Weather permitting.
While supply lasts.
*When the weather or other circumstances prohibit the distribution, we may distribute on the next day.
covid-free zone
Social distancing and face masks are required of everyone on our premises.
We distribute food
on a first-come basis.
Walk-ups: We provide a touchless distribution service.
our partners
4 MyCity
NAACP-Baltimore Branch
Bartenfelder Farms
First Fruits Farm
Johns Hopkins
Maranto Bakery
The Central Baptist Church